There will be at least three
plenary lectures, keynote
presentations in all sessions, six parallel oral sessions and poster
All aspects of catalysis (theory, computational, surface science, analytical
methods) are welcome. Authors select the topic which most closely represents
their contribution. If this is not obvious, authors should still select
one topic but also send a short note to the technical program chair to highlight
the issue.
There are 15 sessions for this meeting:
- High Throughput Catalysis
- Novel Catalyst Characterization Techniques
- New Catalytic materials and supports
- Catalytic technology for protection of the environment
- Catalyst deactivation, regeneration and disposition
- Syngas conversion
- Hydroprocessing
- Heavy feed conversion
- Catalysis for chemicals and specialty products
- Homogeneous catalysis
- Acid/Base Catalysis
- Hydrogen and syngas generation from hydrocarbons
- Novel catalyst synthesis methods
- Fuel Cells
- Novel Reactors
- Special symposium in honor of Heinz Heinemann
Schedule Overview

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