Submission of papers dealing with original catalysis research in the
following, non-limiting, list of topics is encouraged:
functionalizing hydrocarbons for higher value products; hydrogenation/dehydrogenation/isomerization
reactions; deactivation, characterization, preparation and mechanism
of chemical catalysts
cracking, reforming, hydrotreating, isomerization, desulfurization,
alkylation; new reactor design concepts; deactivation, characterization,
preparation and mechanism of petroleum catalysts; gas to liquids and
alternative energy
pollution abatement from mobile sources, gasoline, diesel emissions;
pollution abatement from stationary sources, NOx, CO and HC reduction;
characterization, preparation and mechanisms
Fuel cells/fuel processing:
PEM Fuel cell electrodes; solid oxide and molten carbonate fuel
cells/fuel processing; sulfur removal technologies from gaseous and
liquid fuels for fuel cells
Catalysis in life sciences, agriculture and pharmaceutical
specialty chemical reactions; chiral synthesis; enzyme catalysis;
preparations, mechanisms and characterizations
catalysts/processes, Ziegler-Natta and metallocene; preparations,
mechanisms, and characterization